House of Hope Children Home
We currently have 48 children and besides providing for their basic needs, we initiated the "Beyond Basics" program to equip them in computer skills, English, and music. Our prayer is for them to experience God's love and one day be used mightily by the Lord.

Kasih Karunia Theological School
Kasih Karunia was started in the fall of 2012. We are different from other public schools because 25% of our curriculum consists of Bible and related theological courses.

Bibles for ALL
There are 240 million people in Indonesia, and over 90% of the population are non-Christians. Among the 5-8% Christian population, many cannot even afford a Bible. For just US$7, you can give an Indonesian Bible to those in need.

Mission Conference
Part of our mission strategy is nationals for their own kinsmen We hold different mission conferences for youth, pastors, and church leaders all around Indonesia. We now hold these conferences in different islands throughout Indonesia regularly.

Food Program
As part of community outreach, we implement Food Programs each week in a nearby refugee center and in a refugee settlement in our neighborhood. We provide a healthy meal for the children and share the gospel with them. We also hold hygiene and sanitation classes for our communities.

Short-term Mission Team
We take many mission teams to different cities in Indonesia every year. We welcome you to join one of our teams for an eye-opening experience and explore the many needs for harvest in God's Kingdom!